bouton complaint fie bon

  • Grievance Mechanism

The FIE will ensure that an effective appeal mechanism is available at the project level. The mandate and functions of a project level grievance mechanism shall be carried out by the Project Management Committee or through the grievance mechanisms or procedures provided by the FIE to address stakeholder concerns.

The project-level grievance mechanisms and stakeholder response mechanism will address complaints expeditiously, through dialogue and engagement, using a process that is understandable and transparent, culturally appropriate, rights-respecting and up-to-date. available to all stakeholders free of charge and without retaliation. They must take into account the issue of gender equality, the views of women, older people, people with disabilities, young people and other groups who may be disadvantaged.

These mechanisms for recourse and response to stakeholders may resort to administrative or judicial procedures in the event that local agreement procedures are unsuccessful.

  • Procedures for grievance mechanism

The grievance management mechanism concerns grievances raised by project and program stakeholders as well as potentially impacted populations. For any activity, project or program in which the FIE is involved and which causes environmental or human damage, the grievance management mechanism can be triggered by the parties who consider themselves aggrieved.

The procedures arise from arrangements according to the local situation. If these are unsuccessful, administrative and judicial procedures are resorted to.

  • Grievance mechanisms

The FIE will develop a grievance mechanism so that local communities and other stakeholders can submit their complaints at any time. The mechanism will enable the FIE to identify potential weaknesses and threats and effectively address them in a timely manner through the process of receiving, evaluating and addressing written and verbal complaints from stakeholders, as early as the projects are known and approved. The current situation indicates that conflicts will be resolved amicably or according to the legal procedures in force.

The complaints resolution mechanism will be available on the FIE website.

Basic principles :

  • Transparency and fairness:The complaints management mechanism must be easy to understand, transparent and available free of charge and without compensation.
  • Accessibility and cultural relevance: The mechanism is accessible to all stakeholders and several options are available for individuals and groups to choose their preferred method of filing complaints.

(For example, in-person deposition; submission by local NGO/civil association representation; paper mail, email, etc.)

  • Proportionality : The mechanism is adapted to the scale of the FIE.
  • Registration : All complaints will be recorded, entered into the complaints register and monitored until resolved and closed.
  • Site visits: All complaints will be discussed with the complainant and a site visit is recommended (depending on the nature of the project) in order to have a maximum understanding of the validity and seriousness of the complaint.
  • Timely resolution:Any complaint will be entitled to a proper response. The FIE will aim to eliminate all complaints within one month (30 days).

The following roles and responsibilities will be fulfilled for the effective implementation of the complaints management mechanism:

Painting5: Roles and responsibilities in complaints management

Role                                 Responsibility

Regional/municipal committees

•        Ensures that the entire FIE technical and administrative team follows the requirements included in this procedure.

•        Ensures that sufficient attention and importance are given through thorough review and application of corrective actions.

•        Participates in the process of resolving complaints classified asconfidential, sensitive, etc.; and in the event that the complaints manager does not propose a resolution within seven (7) days of receipt of the complaint.

Complaint receivers

(That is, any team member)

 The Complaints Receiver must notify the Complaints Manager in a timely manner (within 48 hours of receipt of the complaint)

Complaints Manager

•        The Complaints Manager is responsible for the management and overall integrity of the complaints system, (i.e. receiving, reviewing, recording, following up, resolving, report and analysis).

•        Ensure that the Mechanism is transparent and clearly communicated.

•        Responsible for the overall performance of feedback management during the complaints management process.


 Communicate comments, suggestions and complaints using the Complaint Management Mechanism.



  • Complaints management procedure

The complaints management procedure includes several steps presented in the table and tools (appendices 5 and 6)

Painting6: Overview of the complaints management procedure

Stage                             Activity


Registration of the complaint in the complaints register within 2 days of receipt of the grievance.


Evaluate and handle complaints by classification according to the level of priority and importance.


Confirm receipt of the complaint within 3 days of receipt. The complaints manager confirms receipt of the complaint to the depositary within 3 days, either by email or by telephone press release followed by written letter. (Postal stamp as proof).


•        Communication from the FIE to the depositary of the complaint in writing (email, letter or telephone message - against acknowledgment of receipt)

•        The complainant can file an appeal if the response is unsatisfactory - within 7 days.


·        Corrective response, approved by the complaints manager or the Team Leader depending on the importance of the complaint.


·        Written response and a timeline for addressing the matter, if applicable, within 7 days of receipt of the complaint.


·        Depending on the case, the corrective action is assigned to the relevant team members for implementation.


·        The complainant receives a closure letter or letter once the corrective actions are completed.

In addition to the procedure described, all efforts will be made by the FIE to resolve complaints amicably by relying on local authorities and NGOs or other civil societies respected in the communities. If the complainant is not satisfied with the solution recommended by the FIE, he can take legal action through the usual channels outside the framework of the FIE. But it is a path that is not recommended because it could constitute a path to blocking and delaying activities.

The implementation of the environmental and social management system requires:

  • a coherent institutional framework;
  • capacity building;
  • specific skills;
  • a board of directors committed to standards and gender;
  • taking gender into account (planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation with predefined indicators)
  • Continuous and sustained communication ;
  • A monitoring system to ensure consistency with national policies and legislation with international instruments.