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The FIE is represented on the national territory through Regional Directorates (RD). The six (06) DRs cover specific administrative regions. So, we have:
Western Regional Directorate (based in Bobo-Dioulasso) which includes the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Sud-Ouest; |
Mr Nestor KINI Western Regional Director |
Central West Regional Directorate (based in Koudougou) which includes the administrative regions of Boucle du Mouhoun and Center-Ouest |
Mr Jean Pierre ZONGO Regional Director West Central |
Regional Directorate of the North (based in Ouahigouya) which brings together the North administrative region |
Mr Guillaume KABRE Regional Director North |
Regional Directorate of the Center (based in Ouagadougou) which groups the administrative regions of the Center, Central Plateau, and South Central |
Eastern Regional Directorate (based in Fada) which brings together the administrative regions of East and Central East |
Sahel Regional Directorate (based in Dori) which includes the administrative regions of North Central and Sahel |
The FIE DR ensures the implementation and monitoring of the activities programmed by the General Management at the regional level. The DR ensures regular contact with the project promoters and reports on its activities to the Chief Executive Officer. It also has among others attributions of:
- participate in the launching of calls for projects and the selection of projects;
- support, monitor and control the implementation of funded projects;
- ensure a good linkage of FIE funding with other stakeholders in the sector at regional level;
- collect the elements of regional monitoring and evaluation.
Six (06) regional directorates of the FIE cover the national territory. Those are :
The importance attached to the monitoring and control of fiduciary risk implies setting up an internal structure dedicated to this function, especially with regard to the financial management of projects by the promoters.
Thus, a Management and Fiduciary Risk Management Committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer is set up. It brings together the Operations Department, the Reporting and Evaluation Department, the Finance and Accounting Department, the Management Controller and the Internal Auditor.
This committee has the following roles:
- confirm or classify projects in red / orange / green according to the quality of their management;
- ensure a close follow-up of projects classified red or orange
- Examine problem projects and decide on the follow-up (see next sub-procedure);
- follow the progress of the follow-up to be given concerning these problem projects;
- analyze the main fiduciary risk factors and improve the points of detection, monitoring and response to problems (promoter management procedures and / or FIE monitoring / control system).
The Regional Committee (RC) is a joint body of the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE). The RC plays a role of regional orientation and proposals for the allocation of FIE funding for projects and activities within its areas of intervention within each region. It is also a forum for consultation between local actors on priorities and actions to be financed.
The purpose of the regional committees is to involve local (regional) actors in the choices that concern them on the environmental level, on the basis that they are better able to know their problems, their priorities or the promoters of projects in their areas. regions.
Their attributions are as follows:
- provide regional direction for calls for projects;
- facilitate coordination with projects / programs in the fields covered by the FIE;
- preselect projects submitted: allocate funding to projects <10 million FCFA and pre-allocate funding to projects> 10 million FCFA; based on the preliminary analyzes of the experts;
- monitor FIE interventions in the region (including monitoring of funded projects).
A regional committee is composed in a mixed way, with as many representatives of public actors as non-public actors. The DR FIE is a statutory member and ensures reporting. The regional committee may invite any resource person deemed useful for its discussions. In particular, the committee will systematically invite projects / programs in areas financed by the FIE in the region.
The Funding Committee is supported in its funding choices by "Thematic Committees". These committees, with a mixed and enlarged composition, ensure the orientations and the final choices of financing of projects (except threshold of the CA). The Funding Committee verifies the procedures and validates the proposals of the Thematic Committees.
Thematic Committees also provide technical guidance for calls for projects and the final choice of projects to be financed. The objective is to ensure coherence upstream (orientations) and downstream (choice of funding) with the sectoral policies concerned by each thematic fund. At the same time, the challenge is also to ensure consultation and transparency in these funding choices by involving stakeholders from the sectors concerned.
Each Thematic Committee is dedicated to a thematic fund. These correspond to the five (05) counters of the FIE. Thus, the following thematic funds are set up:
- Environment and Living Environment Fund
- Risk and Disaster Response Fund
- Forest and Wildlife Fund
- Fund "Natural Resources Management Soils and Waters"
- Fund for the promotion of sustainable practices in the productive sectors and energy
Each thematic committee has its own composition of 10 to 15 people. The composition is mixed, with as many representatives of public actors as non-public actors.
In line with the provisions on state funds, the FIE has a National Funding Committee. Its role in state funds is to review and approve the fund's funding applications (under a minimum threshold and a maximum threshold).
As part of the FIE, the Funding Committee relies on thematic committees on the technical level. As such, he:
- ensures the coherence of the proposals of the thematic committees;
- plays a role of consolidation and global vision of the funding to be allocated;
- consolidates the proposals of the thematic committees to ensure that the FIE funding is allocated in line with its objectives and priorities.
If necessary, it can correct the funding allocated to better stick to these sectoral and multisectoral frameworks (ie to validate more projects in one or another counter rather than another).
The FIE Funding Committee is composed of the Chair of the Board, two other members of the Board and the CEO of the Fund. He can be assisted by one or two FIE staff.
The FIE is headed by a Chief Executive Officer who has the broadest powers to act on behalf of the Board of Directors. The current Director General is Mr. Wango Fidèle YAMEOGO, Inspector of the Treasury.
The responsibilities of the DG of the FIE are described in the special statutes of the FIE. We can group them into 3 big blocks.
- Provide the general direction of the fund
As such, he is called to :
- ensure the development of the FIE;
- develop a strategic vision of the FIE and implement it (after validation of the board of directors);
- develop and propose to the decision-making bodies the annual work programs and related budgets of the FIE, as well as the technical and financial reports for approval;
- prepare the deliberations of the FIE Board of Directors and provide the secretariat;
- ensure the implementation of the deliberations of the board of directors;
- ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and good governance of the FIE; ensure in particular that the ratio of operating costs to service funds is efficient;
- ultimately assume responsibility for the technical, administrative and financial management of the Fund that it represents in the acts of civil life, particularly with regard to third parties and users;
- develop and implement a managerial policy, particularly in the areas of administrative, technical, financial, material, human resources management, organization of working conditions, investments and information systems and communication;
- to act as the Chief Authorizing Officer of the Fund's budget;
- appoint, monitor, evaluate and dismiss the staff of the Fund in accordance with the regulations in force;
- to sign the acts concerning the Fund or to give to this effect all necessary delegations under its own responsibility (in compliance with the regulations in force).
- Advocate and represent the FIE to mobilize the necessary resources
To do this, the CEO must:
- ensure the representation and the advocacy of the FIE with the national and international actors of the Environment sector;
- contribute to the mobilization of the national and international resources necessary for the action of the FIE;
- prepare, sign and monitor projects and agreements in the context of international cooperation, including financing agreements to finance environmental projects by the FIE;
- ensure quality technical and financial reporting to funding sources.
- Specific responsibilities in the cycle of operations
As CEO, he is responsible for the smooth running of the entire cycle of operations (from the launch of the call for projects to the closing of projects). In addition, he plays a special and direct role in the following steps:
- make requests for bottom-up calls from donors;
- develop and propose, and then ensure the implementation, of the FIE Funding Code (eligible actors and actions, types of financial support, subsidy rates, etc.);
- supervise the project cycle provided by the Operations Department (from the launch of calls for projects to the selection, implementation and monitoring of projects); ensure in particular a good technical and financial follow-up of the projects and to intervene in case of problem exceeding the regional level and the Direction of the Operations;
- prepare and monitor the processing of funding requests from the Financing Committee and the Board of Directors; provide the secretariat of these two bodies;
- sign the agreements between the FIE and the promoters selected for each call for projects;
- co-sign advance checks to selected projects.
To fulfill his mission, the General Manager has the following services:
Directorate of Research and Mobilization of Financing; |
Mr Jean marie SOURWEMA Director of Research and Mobilization of Financing (DRMF)
Operations Branch ; |
Mr Abdoulaye SAWADOGO Director of Interim Operations |
Reporting and Evaluation Department; |
Mr Abdoulaye SAWADOGO Director of Reporting and Evaluation |
Communication and Public Relations Department; |
Mr Amadou SANOU Director of Communication and Public Relations
Finance and Accounting Department; |
Mr Bernard NIKIEMA Director of Finance and Accounting |
Human Resources Department; |
Mr Salif BELEMVIRE Human Resources Director |
Public Procurement Department; |
Mr Philippe ZAGRE Director of Public Procurement |
Management control; |
Mr Amade Kouka BANDA Management control |
Department of Legal Affairs and Litigation; |
Technical support cell; |
Representation of the FIE on the national territory is ensured through six (06) regional departments.