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The FIE is represented in regions through six (06) Regional Directorates covering the national territory. It's about the :

  • Western Regional Division (in Bobo-Dioulasso) covering the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Sud-Ouest
  • West-Central Regional Directorate (in Koudougou) covering the administrative regions of Mouhoun and Center-Ouest Loops
  • Northern Regional Directorate (in Ouahigouya) which covers the northern administrative region.
  • Regional Direction of the Center (in Ouagadougou) which covers the administrative regions of the Center, Central Plateau, and South Center.
  • Eastern Regional Directorate (in Fada) which covers the administrative regions of East and Central East.
  • Sahel Regional Directorate (in Dori) covering the North Central and Sahel administrative regions.