The Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of the Environment, Dr Bouraïma KOUANDA and the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Mines, Dr Doulaye SANOU chaired, this Thursday, March 6, 2025 in Ouagadougou, a workshop to validate the 2023 and 2024 reports of the interministerial committee for the examination and validation of the mine rehabilitation and closure plans.
The two reports are each structured around the following points: legal and institutional framework of the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund; the status of contributions from industrial, semi-mechanized mines and industrial quarries to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund; the status of implementation of the rehabilitation of mines and industrial quarries; difficulties and recommendations. They provide a status of contributions to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund as of December 31, 2023; the status of contributions to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund as of December 31, 2024 and the effectiveness of transfers of contributions from the various mining companies and industrial quarries to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund to the Central Bank of African States (BCEAO) for the year 2023.
The members of the committee also verified the effectiveness of the transfers of contributions from the various mining companies and industrial quarries to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund to the Treasury for the year 2024; analyzed the gaps between the forecasts and the status of contributions from industrial, semi-mechanized mines and industrial quarries to the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund; identified the difficulties encountered and proposed solutions.
After examining the two reports, followed by discussions, the workshop participants proceeded to validate them subject to taking into account the amendments.
In his closing remarks, the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Mines, Dr Doulaye SANOU praised the work carried out by the members of the committee.
As a reminder, it is in the dynamic of protecting and rehabilitating the environment and society, in view of the negative impact of the exploitation of mining and quarrying substances that Law No. 036-2015/CNT of June 26, 2015 on the Mining Code of Burkina Faso, in its Article 25, provided for the creation of various Funds including the Mine Rehabilitation and Closure Fund . This fund finances the activities of the rehabilitation and closure plan for industrial, semi-mechanized mines and industrial quarrying substance exploitation sites. It is funded exclusively by industrial, semi-mechanized mining substance exploitation companies and industrial quarrying substance exploitation companies .
And, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 27 of law n°036-2015/CNT of June 26, 2015 relating to the Mining Code of Burkina Faso, the ministries responsible for Mines, the Environment and Finance produce a comprehensive and complete joint annual report on the status and management of the mine rehabilitation and closure fund.
It should be noted that the mine rehabilitation and closure fund is a FIE window responsible for the mobilization, management, allocation and monitoring of financial resources intended for activities contributing to the achievement of Burkina Faso's environmental objectives.