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The Director General (DG) of the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE), Delwendé Davy NANEMA, assisted by his colleagues, had a working session with the Director General of Sanitation, Wastewater and Excreta (DGAEUE), Julienne TIENDREBEOGO and her colleagues, this Wednesday, March 12, 2025 in Ouagadougou.

The objective of the meeting is to see to what extent these two structures of the Ministry of the Environment will be able to pool their strengths and resources to achieve sanitation objectives.

The working session began with a presentation of the FIE by its Director General to his guests. He reviewed the FIE's missions, its areas of intervention, its five branches, and the four calls for projects launched.

Following the FIE Director General's presentation, the Directorate General for Sanitation, Wastewater and Excreta (DGAEUE) also made a presentation on its activities. This presentation highlighted, among other things, the DGAEUE's policy and strategic approaches in its actions; the sanitation situation in Burkina Faso; the challenges of Sanitation, Wastewater and Excreta (AAEUE); and the DGAEUE's strategies and priority actions.

It is important to note that the Wastewater and Excreta Sanitation Program contributes to improving people's access to adequate sanitation and better wastewater and excreta management, based on a service-based and human rights-based approach. It also promotes good hygiene and sanitation practices through awareness-raising for social and behavioral change.

According to the DGAEUE, the FIE, through its role in mobilizing financial resources and its expertise, could be an essential strategic partner in achieving the general objective of the PN-AEUE.

The FIE's CEO welcomed the DGAEUE's willingness to work with his organization to address sanitation challenges. He emphasized the FIE's willingness to support the DGAEUE, wherever possible, in achieving the desired objectives.


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