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On Thursday, December 7th, 2017, the second session of the regional committee of the Intervention Fund for the Environment (FIE) of Hauts-Bassins was held in Bobo-Dioulasso. This session focused on the pre-selection of projects for the 3rd FIE call for projects in the Hauts-Bassins. The opening ceremony was chaired by the governor of the region, represented by its secretary general, Bernard Béba.

The present session of the regional committee of the Intervention Fund for the Environment (FIE) in the Hauts-Bassins has brought together its statutory members for the second time in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. This meeting is part of the "sovereign attributions" of this committee in the process of selecting eligible projects for the 3rd call for projects launched on August 11 by the head of government Paul Kaba Thiéba in Dédougou.

Indeed, the regional committee (RC) is a mixed entity of the FIE that plays the role of regional orientation and proposals of allocation of the financing for the projects and activities falling within its fields of intervention. It is also a forum for consultation between local actors on priorities and actions to be financed. That is why the statutory members of the Hauts-Bassins regional committee met in session in the city of Sya, to reflect on a number of points related to this 3rd call for projects.

During this working session, the latter were in charge of examining the projects of the promoters (previously analyzed by the independent experts) in order to make proposals for project funding allocations for the Hauts-Bassins region.

"This session is devoted exclusively to analyzing the various projects submitted to the FIE in the Hauts-Bassins region to see what allowances can be made by the statutory members," suggested the secretary general of the region, Bernard Béba .

According to him, this session will allow the CR to select the promising projects and which can really, in their implementation, allow the region of Hauts-Bassins to have a quite echo echo with regard to the environment. According to him, the issue of the environment is a global concern and Burkina Faso is not left out.

For this reason, he urged the participants to seize this opportunity to fully play their role of regional orientation and proposals for the allocation of FIE funding for priority projects in the Hauts-Bassins region.

For Kini Nestor, regional director of the Western Environment Response Fund, this third call for proposals for a financial envelope of two billion CFA francs, follows two others already funded by the FIE. It covers the administrative regions of Hauts-Bassins, Center-Ouest, Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades and Sud-Ouest. It concerns the window "Forest and Wildlife" composed of sub-wickets Planning, Conservation, Forest Products Ligneux (PFL), Non-Timber Forest Products (NWFP) and the window "Sustainable Management of Soils and Waters" composed of sub-window climate change.

With the official creation of the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) in 2015, Burkina Faso has set up the national climate fund provided for in international conventions. It is the preferred tool for financing Burkina Faso's environmental policy. This fund, which aims to stimulate grassroots projects in the field of sustainable environmental management, will serve as a financial and technical support mechanism for projects initiated and implemented at local level by promoters from local authorities, civil society, grassroots community organizations, public administration or the private sector.

Romuald Dofini

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