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formation agent bobo1

Capacity building for agents responsible for drawing up reports of damage caused by certain wild animal species in four regions of Bobo-Dioulasso, organized by the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE), continues on September 24, 2024.

Today's training began with the notions of ethology on animals generally involved in the damage caused by certain wild animal species. The trainer, Tanga Frédéric YANOGO, Inspector of Water and Forests, stressed that ethology is the scientific study of the behavior of animals in their natural environment, focusing on their evolutionary history. He noted that every animal exhibits two types of behavior: innate and acquired. This theme allowed participants to understand the behavior of these animals: their lifestyle, their environment, their diet, the behavior to adopt when faced with certain animals, etc.

The second communication focused on the presentation of the legal status of the species protected by the decree. These are the hippopotamus, the elephant, three species of crocodiles, the buffalo, the hyena and the lion. Some species are partially protected and others fully protected.

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The third presentation of the day concerns the areas of dispute when animal damage is reported. According to the trainer, the areas of dispute are defined as sites or places where, in principle, crops of any kind cannot be grown. These areas are: national parks, biosphere reserves , buffer zones, recognized cattle tracks; easement strips along bodies of water and classified forests.

There are also ranches, total or partial wildlife reserves, recognized pastoral areas, official animal passage corridors, local shelters, village areas of hunting interest. The trainer emphasizes that reports of animal damage in these areas are not admissible and the damage is not eligible for compensation.

Today's session will end with training and discussions on the techniques for preparing reports according to the standard FIE model and in accordance with the regulatory provisions of Decree No. 2016-111 /PRES/PM/MEEVCC/MATDSI of March 23, 2016 relating to the conditions and procedures for repairing damage.

As a reminder, the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) is strengthening the capacities of agents responsible for drawing up reports (PV) of damage caused by certain wild animal species in four (4) regions, from September 23 to 26, 2024 in Bobo Dioulasso. These are the regions of Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Sud-Ouest and Boucle du Mouhoun.


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