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PDIC oueuvre1

The Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) has trained the thirty (30) municipal stakeholders of the first wave on the procedures and tools for managing PDIC/REDD+.

Specifically, this involved training stakeholders on the PDIC/REDD+ implementation manual; the procedures for awarding, executing and settling public orders; and budgetary and accounting procedures.

The first wave of actors from the communes of Bouroum-Bouroum, Nioronioro, Houndé, Koumbia, Fara , Boromo, Siby, Ouarkoye, Safané, Pa and Yaho were trained in Bobo Dioulasso. As for the second wave trained in Koudougou, the actors came from Zamo, Léo, Bieha , Silly, Sapouy, Bougnounou, Ipelcé, Gao, Tô , Dalo ; Gon-Boussoukoula, Bakata, Cassou, Bourra, Niabouri and Doulougou.

The participants are mainly the municipal stakeholders in charge of the project. By municipality, the stakeholders concerned are: the President of the special delegation (PDS), the Secretary General of the town hall (SGM), the Town Hall Accountant (CM), the Person responsible for town hall markets (PRM) and the Community Development Agent (ACD).

PDIC oeuvre2

The trainings were provided by the actors of the financial chain of the FIE and the Local Financial Experts and the Project Management Unit (PMU). The World Bank consultant in charge of financial issues provided his expertise during the discussions during the sessions.

As a reminder, Burkina Faso has benefited from financial and technical support from the World Bank for the preparation and implementation of the "Sustainable Management Project for Communal Landscapes for REDD+ (PGPC/REDD+). The project targets ninety-six (96) communes in several regions of the country. Each commune will benefit from financial support of two hundred million (200,000,000) FCFA for the implementation of the activities of the Integrated Communal Development Projects for REDD+ (PDIC/REDD+).

For better monitoring of financial resource management, a collaboration agreement for fiduciary facilitation was signed between the PGPC/REDD+ and the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE). Following the monitoring missions and quarterly meetings organized, it appears that the municipalities have difficulties in implementing PDIC/REDD+. These difficulties are mainly due to a poor appropriation of the procedures manual and the lack of mastery of the procedures for awarding, executing and settling public orders by certain actors.

Thus, in order to provide solutions to these difficulties which negatively influence the results of the project, the FIE, during the last quarterly meeting with the Local Financial Experts (EFL) has, under the resolutions, planned to strengthen the capacities of the municipal actors on the project manual, the procedures for awarding, executing and settling public orders and also on the budgetary and accounting procedures.


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