The mission of the delegation of the Accreditation Committee of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Burkina Faso, in particular to the Environmental Intervention Fund (EIF), ended on November 26, 2024.
The visit, which is part of the FIE accreditation process at the FVC, allowed the delegation to make a basic and specialized fiduciary assessment of the FIE. It also conducted an on-site assessment of the fund's policies, procedures and organizational structures and related responsibilities in relation to the deficiencies identified by the AP review team as part of the Stage II review process.
Also, the delegation's stay allowed to discuss, in more detail and evaluate the governance, management, audit and risk management framework of the FIE, the disclosure policy, prohibited practices and investigation procedures, the whistleblowing policy, ethics procedures, the procurement function and the project management and intermediation capacities and documentation.
At the end of the discussions, the mission noted some gaps to be filled by the FIE in order to complete its file which will be submitted to the FVC decision-making body in February 2025 for a final decision.
The Director General of the FIE, Delwendé Davy NANEMA, reassured the delegation that the recommendations to be implemented are not insurmountable. He thus promised that he and his team will provide, as soon as possible, the additional information requested.
Following the discussions with the FIE, the delegation of the FVC Accreditation Committee held talks with the Designated National Authority (DNA) of the Green Climate Fund of Burkina Faso, Mr. Nebyida Lamech Kaboré, the President of the Board of Directors of the FIE, Mrs. Brigitte Marie Suzanne Wend-La-Mita COMPAORE/YONI and the Minister of the Environment, Water and Sanitation (MEEA), Mr. Roger BARO. All the personalities visited were delighted with the positive developments in the FIE's file for its accreditation to the Green Climate Fund.
Minister BARO stressed that as far as the Burkinabe side is concerned, everything will be done to respond within the required time frame. He urged the FIE to prepare projects to submit to the FVC, so as not to make accreditation a label, but a means of mobilizing resources for the implementation of environmental projects for the benefit of Burkina Faso.
The GCF Accreditation Committee delegation consists of Ben Boxer, Senior Fiduciary Expert at the Accreditation Committee; Mallé Fall Sarr, Head of Accreditations at the Investment Services Department; and Sheila Mwanundu, Senior Environmental, Social and Gender Safeguards Expert, at the Accreditation Committee who spoke online.
It is on a note of satisfaction and hope to see the FIE file accredited, at the end of the February 2025 session, that the mission of the FVC accreditation committee delegation ended.