The Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) and experts from the Ecological Monitoring Center (CSE) of Senegal are validating the fiduciary and governance documents developed as part of the accreditation of the FIE to the Adaptation Fund (FA), from February 3 to 7, 2025 in Ouagadougou.
To enable FIE to meet the accreditation conditions to the FA, the Ecological Monitoring Center (CSE) submitted a funding request proposal that was approved by the FA. Thus, the CSE secured the services of the Forvis Mazars Senegal firm to provide FIE with technical support, relating in particular to the development of the procurement manual (incorporating the principles of freedom of access to public procurement, equal treatment of candidates and transparency of procedures); the development of anti-fraud and anti-money laundering policies and the fight against terrorism (by integrating the operational system and a reporting mechanism in the event of fraud).
The development of governance manuals was entrusted to the ISPENS Agro Environment Center of Burkina Faso, under the mandate of the CSE. These manuals are: project management manual; monitoring-evaluation manual and the grievance management manual.
The objective of this mission is therefore to validate the fiduciary and governance documents drawn up and to close the project. The mission will take place over five (5) days in Ouagadougou. It is composed of Dr. DIAGNE, Advisor to the CEO of the CSE; Ms. Jess Jessica KATIZA, Senior Auditor, Financial Monitoring Officer at the Climate Finance Unit of the CSE; two experts from the Mazars Senegal firm , Mr. Mamadou Diop SALL and Mr. El hadji Abdoul Aziz NDIAYE and the representative of CAE ISPENS, Mr. Ouédraogo Basile.
Concretely, this involves validating these manuals with all stakeholders, namely the top management of the FIE; the Designated National Authority; the staff in charge of FIE procurement; the staff in charge of FIE internal control; the staff in charge of FIE administrative and financial procedures; the staff in charge of FIE Human Resources; the staff in charge of FIE project management; the staff in charge of FIE Project Monitoring and Evaluation; and the staff in charge of FIE Grievance Management.
The Director General of the FIE, Delwendé Davy NANEMA stressed that his structure has already made amendments to the documents and that overall, he is satisfied with their content. He invited his colleagues to actively participate in the validation of the documents in order to perfect them to make them working tools that faithfully reflect the FIE's way of working.
Dr DIAGNE, Advisor to the CEO of the CSE, welcomed the commitment of the FIE to conduct the accreditation process and that the accreditation will give enough credibility to the FIE, all of which will enable it to mobilize resources for the benefit of Burkina Faso.
As a reminder, in 2018, the Adaptation Fund set up the “ Readiness Package” supplementary preparation program to support institutions applying for accreditation. It is in this context that the FIE, in conjunction with the Designated National Authority, expressed its interest in its accreditation with the FA.