The workshop of restitution of the final evaluation report of the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) opened its works this Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in Ouagadougou. The final report aims to assess the mechanism of the FIE internal control and risk system to determine whether the organization has adequate procedures and resources to manage future contributions to the achievement of environmental objectives. This workshop will also present the status of the implementation of the June 2017 recommendations.
The result of the Burkina Faso government's desire to equip itself with a new financial tool to respond to environmental issues in a global context of climate change, the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) is the national instrument in charge of mobilize domestic funding, as well as external environmental funds to support the state through the Ministry of the Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change in achieving the country's environmental goals in terms of environment life, sustainable management of natural resources.
In carrying out this noble mission, the FIE must gather a set of prerequisites and demonstrate its abilities of sound financial management, organization and operation. For the quest for this performance, the FIE, in consultation with the Swedish and Luxembourg cooperations, has combed through the system and the management and organizational capacity of the fund to enable the structure to meet international standards in the search for funds. to face environmental challenges.
Chief of staff of the Ministry of the Environment.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of the Environment, the Green Economy and Climate Change recounts the usefulness for Burkina to have such a structure, saying that "the FIE is development tool because it will help finance actions that are part of the promotion of actions aimed at promoting a green economy and promising sectors for the country. It is a fund that brings together all the funds that must intervene in the field of the environment, "said Dr. Sibidou Sina.
In this report, several functional and management shortcomings were identified in 2017 within the structure, thus undermining its credibility in the management of resources. But through the recommendations issued since 2017, the partners noted in 2018 that all the recommendations have been implemented, which demonstrates the efforts at the level of progress of the implementation of the recommendations.
In May 2018, the shares were completely respected. They concern actions related to the conduct of the 2017 external audit, sound financial management, the recruitment of staff for unfilled positions and the updating of the FIE Promoter Manual.
In this context, the FIE develops terms of reference to be in symbiosis with the partners on the respect of the recommendations issued as part of the support for future projects. The director general of the FIE, Wango Fidele Yaméogo, believes that this "restitution workshop aims at reporting with all the technical and financial partners and the other structures of the ministry to ensure the proper functioning of the management and operating capacities to meet the international standard.
FIE Managing Director, Fidéle Yaméogo
This report contains 46 recommendations. As of July 2018, 24 recommendations are fully implemented and 20 are in progress. We see today that out of the 20 running, we have seven that are fully accomplished, so it is to say that the FIE is resolutely committed to be able to implement all the recommendations out of the way. functional and structural audit to achieve its objectives ".
The FIE wants to be this tool in the service of the national objectives of the fight against poverty thanks to a mode of intervention taking into account the poorest populations and the vulnerable categories, exposed most often to the degradation of the environment and resources natural.
The fund, in pursuit of its goals, has embarked on a process of access to international funding mechanisms, including the Green Climate Fund. The FIE is involved in risks and disasters, in the management of natural resources (soil and water) for the promotion of sustainable practices in the productive sectors and energy. It is working to pool resources to give Burkina Faso a global financial instrument for the environment.
Issouf Ouedraogo (trainee)