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Formation j3 bobo1

Capacity building for agents responsible for drawing up reports of damage caused by certain wild animal species in four regions of Bobo-Dioulasso, organized by the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE), continues on September 25, 2024.

After the reminder of the work of the previous day, the session of this September 25, 2024 focused on practical cases. For this, the participants were divided into three (3) groups. This involves practical work on the techniques for preparing minutes according to the standard FIE model and in accordance with the regulatory provisions of Decree No. 2016-111 /PRES/PM/MEEVCC/ MATDSI of March 23, 2016 relating to the conditions and modalities of compensation for damage.

Team 1 dealt with two (2) exercises: " speculation: destruction of 10 ha of a 15 ha corn field during the growing season "; "speculation: death of two (02) animals (a goat and a bull) by a lion ". Team 2 also looked at two exercises: "speculation: destruction of 15 feet and lopping of 7 feet of a 3 ha mango orchard during the fruiting period by elephants " and " speculation: disappearance of a bull ". Finally, team 3 dealt with two subjects: " speculation: destruction of a fence, trampling and uprooting of 05 1mx2 boards of onions and 02 1mx2 boards of cabbages in a 1 ha garden by elephants " and " speculation: serious injury (a torn back leg) of a donkey".

formation j3 bobo2

These exercises, supervised by the trainer, Tanga Frédéric YANOGO, Inspector of Water and Forests, allowed participants to better understand how to draw up reports in the event of damage caused by certain species of wild animals .

As a reminder, the Environmental Intervention Fund (FIE) is strengthening the capacities of agents responsible for drawing up reports (PV) of damage caused by certain wild animal species in four (4) regions, from September 23 to 26, 2024 in Bobo Dioulasso. These are the regions of Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Sud-Ouest and Boucle du Mouhoun.


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