A delegation from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Accreditation Committee is visiting Burkina Faso, notably at the Environmental Intervention Fund (EIF), on 25 and 26 November 2024. The visit is part of the EIF accreditation process at the GCF; the EIF file having passed the first stage of the process.
The delegation consists of Ben Boxer, Senior Fiduciary Expert at the Accreditation Committee; Mallé Fall Sarr , Head of Accreditations at the Investment Services Department and Sheila Mwanundu , Senior Environmental, Social and Gender Safeguards Expert, from the Accreditation Committee who will speak online.
The FIE site visit was requested by the Accreditation Panel (AP) Review Team to advance its Basic Fiduciary and Specialized Fiduciary Assessment. The objective is to advance the applicant (FIE) in the accreditation process by conducting an on-site assessment of the institution’s policies, procedures, organizational structures and related responsibilities in relation to the deficiencies identified by the AP Review Team as part of the Stage II review process .
Thus, the delegation's stay will allow for a more detailed discussion and assessment of the FIE's governance, management, audit and risk management framework, the disclosure policy, prohibited practices and investigation procedures, the whistleblowing policy, ethics procedures, the procurement function and the project management and intermediation capabilities and documentation.
It should be noted that based on the assessment of the gaps, to the extent possible, the mission will make recommendations to the applicant (FIE) to address the gaps identified during the accreditation review.
The Director General of the FIE, Delwendé Davy NANEMA, after welcoming the delegation, indicated the availability of his colleagues to provide elements of response to its questions in order to complete the FIE accreditation file for the Green Climate Fund as soon as possible.
During its stay in Burkina Faso, the delegation of the FVC Accreditation Committee will hold discussions with Burkinabe partners and authorities.